How I’m coronavirus cooking with the help of my very own personal chef on Chef My Kitchen.
I’m sure you’re all so sick of hearing about Coronavirus. I am too. In fact, I’ve made a conscious effort to turn off the news and check what’s happening in the world only once a day.
I’ve also chosen to self-quarantine. My husband and I have been fortunate enough to escape Brooklyn and head to my parent’s house in Connecticut. My parents are in Florida for the Winter and Spring, so we have the run of the place. The best part about temporarily living at my parent’s house is that their kitchen is STOCKED. There’s frozen meats and fish, plenty of pasta, and tons of spices and other pantry goodies to coronavirus cook with.
Now, having lived in New York City for so many years, I’ve learned how to live in very tight quarters. In fact, my very first apartment that I shared with my husband was on 450 square feet. So, the freedom of space and storage has me all “woohoo!”. But, it also has me pretty overwhelmed. I look at the vast options in the refrigerator and pantry and feel dizzy.
How I’m Coronavirus Cooking with Chef My Kitchen
The other night I was trying to come up with a coronavirus cooking recipe, but was feeling especially overwhelmed. I decided to hop onto Chef My Kitchen and schedule a video chat with a professional chef. Instead of me trying to work through everything I had on my own, the chef from Chef My Kitchen went through the pantry and fridge with me, then gave me some menu options I could make with the ingredients I already had. He then walked me through the steps for the recipe I chose to make, in this case it was a stir-fry. I also learned some handy cooking tips, like wait until the pan is smoking before adding your meat. Oh, and did I mention that the chef I spoke with is an Executive Chef and owner of a well known restaurant in NYC? (I’m brushing my shoulders off if you can’t tell).

What to know the best part? Every dollar that you spend on Chef My Kitchen is donated to the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, which provides emergency relief to the millions of individual restaurant workers affected by the coronavirus and to create zero-interest loans to businesses.

Are you interested in trying Chef My Kitchen? All you need to do is:
- Choose a date and time for a video chat with a professional chef on Chef My Kitchen
- Donate to Restaurant Worker’s Community Fund
- Log into the video chat using the link Chef My Kitchen sends you
Easy, right? Tell me what your experience using Chef My Kitchen is.
Looking for a good coronavirus cooking recipe? These tomato-less stuffed peppers are perfect for a pantry and fridge raid.